環環相扣 Interlock
The Spaceman Kitty welcomes people from Earth to visit “A Flower World in Space”, which symbolizes a sustainable cycling population.
Sustainable applicable solution
To heat the recycled plastic bag of Sawdust bag and let it fuse with asphalt, enabling the quality of road stability and the fluency of waste circulation.

草莓火箭 The Strawberry Rocket
The Strawberry Rocket on its way to space exploration will never be alone. Bearing the squat of the small rocket escorting it, it also took Grandpa and Grandma’s power of the creation to launch together into outer space.
Sustainable applicable solution
Mixing the medium of the wasted Sawdust bag with cultivatable soil will cultivate a stronger strawberry sprout and reduce the volume of imported soil, which is beneficial for carbon emissions and soil.

時光隧道 Time Tunnel
The black hole is in the gigantic Sawdust bag hidden with the mysterious Kaleidoscope. In the dark, it emits a mysterious atmosphere, welcoming you to walk in and experience a change of senses.

共創基地 Co-Creation Hub
The design of Space UFO is presented through bamboo weaving, and visitors may walk into the hub and enjoy the floral masterpiece created by local elders and young children within a short distance.

探索未來 Explore the future
The Spaceman Kitty drives the corn spacecraft and leads the people from Earth to visit various exhibition areas and explore the stories.
Sustainable applicable solution
The corn cob can be fabricated and become the sawdust for the Sawdust bag to replace the mediums and reduce the lumbering. The sawdust can be produced with high water absorption and naturally dissolved cat litter to relieve the burden of environmental protection.

蟲獲新生 The Newborn Worm
The unicorn with a stylish satellite happily travels around the galaxy of space.
Sustainable applicable solution
The unicorn’s larva takes the organic matter in the Sawdust bag as a food source, and the fecula-generated nutrients become the soil's nutrition, improving the acid-oriented soil issue.